Some will say it is worth a specified amount to do certain things when remodeling for increased resale value.
I think whether or not you remodel your home might depend on what you are renovating and why you are remodeling.
We have been in our 1920s forever home for over 40 years.
We replace furniture as our needs changed. We still have our bedroom suite, some bookcases, and an entertainment center turned curio display. We have actively diminished the home's furniture to yield more open walk space in each room.
We put up a fence to keep dogs out and protect our daughter.
We have roofed the home four times—the last a metal roof.
We replaced the old windows with double-pane tilt windows—the energy savings they gave us recouped the price in four years.
We redid the flooring on the front porch four times, the last with a new type of composite means we should never have to do it again.
We changed the living floor coverings twice—the last was a floating composite wood flooring.
We did a floating composite wood flooring on the two bedrooms while we did the living room.
We put down commercial linoleum in the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen—it is time to do something different there.
We installed sheetrock in the bathroom and have replaced all the fixtures, including the tub—added grab bars.
We’ve painted the second bedroom three times.
Hubby puttied all the holes in the living room paneling, and we painted it.
We tore out the suspended ceiling and sheetrocked them in three rooms. I love the 10-foot tall rooms.
We added ceiling fans in some of the rooms.
We changed out lighting fixtures as lighting advancements have occurred over the years.
We have removed a double chimney and another small chimney—installed custom closets in the spaces.
We remodeled three closets.
We have changed heating and hot water systems three times.
The last heating and air conditioning unit is a Trane heat-pump with a gas backup.
We will replace the water heater with a gas tankless model or two sometime in the future.
We had an attic wrap done and removed everything stored in the attic.
We added countless dump truck loads of topsoil to the yard—time for a few more.
We added countless loads of gravel in the driveway.
We’ve removed diseased trees—5 of them, the last professionally.
We added grab rails at the front step entrance.
We added a 24′ by 40′ garage.
We added a 10′ by 14′ she shed.
We need to completely redo our back kitchen entrance for safety and mobility reasons.
Did these things increase our home’s worth? Some, but not necessarily by the amount we spent.
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat, given the same circumstances.
We are making and maintaining our home as our castle. I’ve been in this home for almost 44 years now.
Since retirement and Covid, I am determined to go the minimalization route. Familiarity and frequently dusting something means I can now let it go!
Will I do any more remodeling? Of course, but only if it increases the quality of our lives!