Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Off topic: Are you a Clean Plate Club Member?


I answered the following question on another forum, "Were you made to finish your dinner when you were a child? As a result, do you make your children finish theirs?"

I was made to finish whatever was put on my plate, and no, I didn’t make my daughter do so. She did, however, have to take at least 3 small bites of something new. She didn’t have to finish it, just taste it. As a result of the three-bite method, some of the foods are now her favorite foods.

A word of advice to parents, don’t set up your child for diet failure. Learning good eating habits is more important than cleaning the plate. Get smaller plates, serve less food. Lunch plates look fuller than dinner plates. Dessert plates might be a better choice for smaller children.

As a clean plate club member, the hardest thing I have had to learn is to give myself permission to throw away food.

Learn to love yourself enough to trash that food when you don’t like it or have eaten enough to satisfy your hunger. If you didn’t like it when eating out, Why, take it home?

When eating out, order less than you think that you might want to eat. You can always order something else.

At buffets, put smaller amounts of different foods on your plate. Varied textures, taste profiles, and food temperatures will help sate your appetite more quickly. Plus, you can always go back for more.

Your waist, heart, and health will thank you.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Off topic--a special helpful friend

Here's  My answer to the question, “Should you pay someone for helping you with house chores when they do not live with you regularly, such as a visiting relative?” 

Here’s my heartfelt answer, “No.”

Your question implies that they are staying temporarily. They don’t have to pay over $125 a night at a hotel. They are getting that bed for free. And I’ll bet you; they are enjoying your food, heating, air conditioning, internet, tv, phone, and wifi services, too.

So, why shouldn’t they be helping around the house?

Now, another scenario. You have a helpful friend who comes once a month to help out. To do the cleaning that you are not capable of doing anymore. They are spending their time off work, gas, car wear & tear, and their physical efforts to help you. They say they are going by the “golden rule,” maybe even the “platinum rule,” and you need to pay their actions forward to someone when you are able. Fair enough.

You are talking together, enjoying each other’s company while the tasks are being done. But you feel that they shouldn’t be out-of-pocket for helping you, and you can afford to pay someone for help.

So, how about a gas card, a gift card to a favorite grocery store or restaurant.

If that won’t do, do you have a marketable skill such as painting, writing, sewing, quilting, woodworking, baking, etc.? Could you gift something they’d enjoy from the talents that you can do? Maybe even teach them a skill that they don’t have?

Hum that doesn’t work either? Have they especially admired something unique in your home, suggesting they’d love something similar in a different color? Then search until you can find that item as a gift for them.

Do the two of you have a wish bucket list of things to do together? How about planning things for both of you to do together. You are paying—a new restaurant, a play, a movie, a historic visit, etc.

None of the above fly? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the truly marvelous friend you have in your life. More importantly, please return the favor when this unique individual needs some help in their home!