Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to corral children's artwork

Ideas for Exploding Crayola Factory Artwork

Which one of these ideas will you try?

v  Use a Clothesline/thick fishing line and pegs/paper clips to hang pictures. 
§  You can zig-zag across an area or do straight lines, and hang pictures. 

v  Make a border around the top of a room using the artwork.

v  Or scan the pictures and do a slide show. 
§  Get the artist to autograph and date the pictures.
§  Take pictures of any 3-d art and add to slide show. 
§  Use one spot in each child's room to display the
¨      3-dimensional  art project. 
§  New art replaces existing art for display. 
§  The parts of the old project go into a bin for recycling.
¨      A container for outside the home pickup recycling
¨      A container for inside the home, for more in-home art projects.

v  Make a deep frame using a cereal box for each child, 
§  display the latest art at the front.  
v  Let the kids decorate the cereal boxes.
§  (You may even have some gift boxes that you can use.)

v  Put artwork under glass tabletop for display.

v  For a large bulletin board art display,  you will need push pins.

v  Affix flat art to roll up window shade.
§  The amount of art is limited to space on the shade's surface.

v  A folding room divider can hold art on both sides.

v  Display art on the inside of the bedroom closet doors. 

v  Limit art to art on a cardboard "science fair " display holder.
§  The most prized art is to be displayed center front.

v  Make a shadowbox frame for picture display. 
§  Use a document frame from Dollar Store for the glass that fits the box.

Which one will you try?

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