Friday, March 15, 2019

Gearing up to pay taxes next month

No Spend Month Challenge

Starting the first day of the upcoming month, can you go on a no-spending spree for a month to help get your finances, bills, or buying habits under control?

This means you cannot eat out or go to a movie.  Do not buy take out, only buy perishable groceries when nothing in your pantry will work as a substitute.  You cannot go to the mall or strip mall or consignment store for clothing, shoes, and purses.  Even if you cannot go all in (as it were), cutting back is better than not even attempting a no spend month.

Peter Walsh suggested something along the line of this: have a need and a place for the item you want to purchase (not a want), if you do not, then do not purchase that item.  I am trying to follow his suggestion.  A no spend month puts even this purchase on hold.

However, I would like to add, if you spend money for an unnecessary want, consider then, what will you have to do without since you bought it that item?

Can you still do that special "date" with loved one, whether spouse or child?

How hard will it be to pay anticipated upcoming bill (utility, credit card, taxes, and insurance)?

Have you paid into your "rainy day," savings, or vacation expense accounts this month?

Have you reduced credit card bills to "zero" balance each month or have you started adding extra money to the payment each month to speed up paying down a card?

Can you use something else you already have to fill this need or want for purposed purchase?

As you can see, I am a "what if" and list type of person.

Good luck with the No Spend Month.  Hope you do well.  

Perhaps one of the preceding questions will help you reach your goal of no spending for the month.

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