Monday, February 18, 2019

Living Life Abundantly

 Are you living life abundantly, or are you just coasting along?

Do you wake up in the morning and take the time to meditate/pray?
Did you count your many blessings, upon waking up today?
You have family and friends, and get together now and then.
You can read and you can write (with paper and a pen.)

You have a roof over your head and food on the table.
For the things you have to do, you are certainly able.
“But, what about my limitations,” you might surely ask.
I say, “You are up to it, you can do the task!”

Remember, there are countless others not as blessed as you.
And you can ask for help from a family friend or two.
If you find you are blessed with too many things,
Then you can share with others, it is simpler than it seems.

Make your home simpler, cut down on all the chores
As you watch the many blessings, walk right out the door
To be shared with others, who have a greater need
For sharing is a blessing, and you are a friend indeed.

Thank you, my dear friend, for just staying in touch,
Throughout your life, may you always have enough!
Please keep following, leave a comment or two,
‘Cause I’d like to really keep in contact with you.

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