Practical reasons to clean regularly? Why clean?
The following things find spaces to grow in your home.
- Mold
- Dust
- Dirt
- Mildew
You will get occupants that don’t pay rent.
- Insects
- Rodents
You need to “catch a good cold”—pray that your guests have a cold too.
- Smells and odors develop over time
- Rotten garbage and food scraps stink
- Dirty bed linen stinks
- Wet towels sour and stink
- Sweaty clothing stinks
- Bathroom gunk, mold, and mildew stink
Why make cleaning harder?
- Freshly dirted dishes are easier to clean than those left to sit and dry with the food left on them.
- Sweat and body oils can become embedded and impossible to remove from clothing and bedding.
- Food left in containers can become a science experiment—throw the whole container into the trash.
- Maintaining clean will make preparing for a party a breeze
Cleanliness in the kitchen can contribute to good health
- Food poisoning results from unsafe food and food cleanliness practices
People do judge you by the state of your home—and in this digital age, they tell others.
- You won’t feel ashamed if someone drops into your home unexpectedly
And finally, an unexpected health emergency, accident, or family happening can make it impossible for you to clean as you usually would.
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