Monday, April 5, 2021

Today, I just don't feel like it!


When you let your house get cluttered and messy, what are some ways to get started to get everything back in order?


Some days I do not feel like cleaning or tidying up. However, here are a few things that make me think that my house is cleaner.

Speed cleaning? Clean in a circle-top to bottom and left to right.

·         Make the bed

·         Close the curtains over the closet doors and windows

·         Remove all dishes in the living room

·         Place all trash in trash cans in each room

·         Hang on towel rack or place into the hamper all used bathroom towels

·         Place dirty clothing in clothes hamper

·         Put clean clothing in the proper destination

·         Sweep floors, vacuum rugs

·         Wash all dirty dishes or place them into the dishwasher

·         Wipe the kitchen counter, stove, and sink clean

·         Keep Kitchen Clean


If I have done most of the above things, I will not beat myself up on what still needs doing.

Extra steps for keeping the kitchen clean

·         Clean as you go when prepping or cooking

·         Wash, rinse, and dry cooking pots, pans, serving dishes

·         Never put a knife in a sink and leave it in the sink

·         Always have your hand on the knife handle, rinse, dry, and put up safely

·         Use gloves

·         Use hot water, soap, bleach, or food-safe sanitizer

·         Wipe up spills as soon as they occur

·         Organize cabinets and pantry; everything has a designated storage space

·         Clean countertop appliances immediately after use

·         Keep counters as uncluttered as possible

·         Wash service dishes and utensils, rinse, dry, and put away

·         When handwashing dinnerware, wash, rinse, dry in the order listed; then store.





·         Clean Table/counter

·         Clean Chairs/bench

·         Set up a schedule for regular cleaning tasks


    1. Stove hood
    2. Backsplash
    3. Windows
    4. Stovetop
    5. Oven
    6. Microwave
    7. Cabinet and drawers outside surfaces
    8. Inside cabinets & drawers
    9. Refrigerator
    10. Inside shelves/drawers, out of date food
    11. Outside surfaces
    12. Floors
    13. Under/behind large appliances---stove, dishwasher, refrigerator
    14. Use spray cleaning bottles as necessary
    15. Use cotton dishcloths
    16. Clean wash/dry cloths after use
    17. Clean potholders as necessary


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