Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Why aren't you organized?


I was asked, "What types of folks can't keep their houses, desks, and cars organized," on another forum.

Here's my reply.

Visual organizers appear not to have things organized, but they know where everything is on their desk, etc. By nature, I am a visual organizer. Twenty-three years of on the job organizing using filing systems have had its effect on my home life.

Essential documents and tax items should be filed correctly, in a way that makes sense for you and your tax preparation agent.

A horizontal mail type system works better for this type of person than filing drawers and cabinets. Keep filing simple, and don’t be too detailed.

For clothing or toys, shelves might work better than drawers and boxes.

It is a matter of finding a method that works well for you. It might even be a combination of methods.

Some folks don’t keep their houses, desks, and cars organized because they have not been shown how to do it.

Finally, some people are lazy. They cannot be bothered even to try to keep things organized and do nothing at all to make things better. They don’t pick up after themselves, don’t put clothing in hampers, trash in the garbage can, and won’t help clean around the house. This type of person wants someone else to do all the work and want someone else to pay for things.

My mom and dad had a solution for lazy children. It involved a trip outside to the woodshed. You didn’t remain a slob long in their house!

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