Monday, June 10, 2019

One arm observations

Some of you may know I've had shoulder surgery on my right shoulder about 6 weeks ago.Hurt it mid December.

 My typing is limited to hunt and peck with my left hand.

I have found some interesting challenges since my arm has been out of commission.

I'd like to know If you have some helpful hints of items to use or other adaptations you might need when you can only use one arm.

The following are in no particular order

Slip on bedroom slippers and flip flops
Short socks and Velcro tabbed shoes
Button front larger printed shirt
Pull on pants
Muscle T shirts
Don't wear shirt color of your brace

Square food containers versus round ones
Easy open pill bottles
Toilet paper on a stand instead of on the side wall or counter
Deeper bowl instead of a flat plate to eat from
Computer table rigged to hold a Kindle book
Use both ice and heat for pain
Need smaller shorter drawers instead of long drawers with 2 handles in dresser
I need 2 arms to hang up clothing
It's easier to get things down/out  then put them back up
I can't open pull tabs or cellophane packages or any cans
Don’t pickup hot food serving dishes with one hand
I need a cutting board with food anchors
Avoid groups and hugs
Be good friends with your (3 times a day) therapist
I can make coffee and hot chocolate
Eating sandwiches everyday will add weight

Take a hot shower and drink a cup of hot chocolate to get a lift
Recovery is taking longer than I had hoped

Looking forward to your input.

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