Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is it just me?

Can you relate to any of the following issues?

I've been tired lately, so I need to get more sleep

I stay up late because I cannot sleep; therefore, I take naps as necessary.

My concentration is shot; thus, a list of tasks is necessary.

My multitasking efforts are shot, so I need a short list of three daily things to do.

I need to go on a diet; all my doctors say so.

I need to get more exercise; see the preceding comment.

I want to spend more time with my family, friends, and pets.

My family and friends don't complain; however, my pets have me well-trained and will complain.

I need to complete some craft and home improvement projects.

I must stay off the internet and return to writing or doing other tasks.

Solution: I must make some Fall/Winter resolutions to keep my home functioning well and then follow through on them.