Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I'm Retired, Now What

 I'm Retired, Now What

[I like to create lists, so here's another one. I apologize for my absence lately.]


- Tasks take longer as we age

- Health issues arise, such as heart and mobility issues or diet restrictions

- Longer recovery from physical activity

- Balancing activities with energy levels by restructuring the time of day we do things

or the daily commitments we make

- Living on a fixed income

- Increased cost of necessities Benefits:

- More time at home

- Freedom to pursue hobbies such as writing on blogs, crafting, gardening, motorcycling, traveling

- Helping others such as charities or DIY projects, including decluttering or home improvements

- Quality time with spouse

- Enjoying the company of pets


- Spouse prefers home-cooked meals

- Increased communication with relatives by phone or computer

- A slower pace of life

- Reduced TV time

- More interaction with family and friends at each other's homes Conclusion: Although our budget is tighter, we cherish our enhanced connections with loved ones. We manage our resources to live fully in the present. With the gift of time, we savor life with our dear ones. Therefore, we choose to relish the present moment.