Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is it just me?

Can you relate to any of the following issues?

I've been tired lately, so I need to get more sleep

I stay up late because I cannot sleep; therefore, I take naps as necessary.

My concentration is shot; thus, a list of tasks is necessary.

My multitasking efforts are shot, so I need a short list of three daily things to do.

I need to go on a diet; all my doctors say so.

I need to get more exercise; see the preceding comment.

I want to spend more time with my family, friends, and pets.

My family and friends don't complain; however, my pets have me well-trained and will complain.

I need to complete some craft and home improvement projects.

I must stay off the internet and return to writing or doing other tasks.

Solution: I must make some Fall/Winter resolutions to keep my home functioning well and then follow through on them.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It has been awhile

 I've had some challenging days, as many of you have.

I've learned to adapt and take things slower as physical challenges have presented themselves.

Here, not in any particular order, are ways I have addressed some challenges.

I use a two-way garden bench for tasks in the kitchen and bathroom. The cushion on the bottom and the legs provide leverage when getting up from the floor or cleaning those pesky corner areas the mop and broom don't clean.

I have two induction burners. I love that I can set timers, and the burners will shut off as programmed.

I have a shelf-type air fryer that can bake and reheat foods. It requires less electricity and cuts heat gain in the summer.

I have a wall-mounted can opener and don't have to chase it down to use it.

I have the cooking utensils, which are the most easily accessible under the hood and over the stove area.

I have a seat, grab bars, and a shower head on a hose in the walk-in shower. Before I take a shower, I clean the shower curtains and floor with a spray solution of 50/50 white vinegar and water using a plastic scrubber.

I have a lovely ladder that has two grab rails. I use it in the kitchen and my den.

Our floors are wood or vinyl-covered, allowing easier movement using mobility aids.

We've added a covered deck with a wheelchair ramp in the kitchen, creating a barrier-free entry.

I use a small garden cart to bring the groceries from the car up the ramp into the kitchen.

All my reusable grocery bags are insulated.

I bought a dog hammock, harness, and leashes to use when traveling with our dog.

I have an "X" bottom cutter/masher that helps break up meat and frozen foods.

I found a short "chef" knife that works well when cutting smaller amounts of produce. It is easier to handle with small hands.

My beverage cups have lids I 

I order water when eating out and wear washable clothes. Water will air dry, won't stain, and is not sticky if you wind up wearing it.

I wear red shirts for pizza and spaghetti meals. The original Dawn is great for stains--use cold water and air-dry items.

Flat-filled freezer bags' food will thaw more quickly than stuffed bags.

I clean the fridge the night before garbage pickup and use smaller covered trash cans to increase taking out the garbage and reduce smells.

I have a hook for my keys and purse in a designated place.

The above things are what come immediately to mind. What are adaptations do you use?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I'm Retired, Now What

 I'm Retired, Now What

[I like to create lists, so here's another one. I apologize for my absence lately.]


- Tasks take longer as we age

- Health issues arise, such as heart and mobility issues or diet restrictions

- Longer recovery from physical activity

- Balancing activities with energy levels by restructuring the time of day we do things

or the daily commitments we make

- Living on a fixed income

- Increased cost of necessities Benefits:

- More time at home

- Freedom to pursue hobbies such as writing on blogs, crafting, gardening, motorcycling, traveling

- Helping others such as charities or DIY projects, including decluttering or home improvements

- Quality time with spouse

- Enjoying the company of pets


- Spouse prefers home-cooked meals

- Increased communication with relatives by phone or computer

- A slower pace of life

- Reduced TV time

- More interaction with family and friends at each other's homes Conclusion: Although our budget is tighter, we cherish our enhanced connections with loved ones. We manage our resources to live fully in the present. With the gift of time, we savor life with our dear ones. Therefore, we choose to relish the present moment.