At another internet place that I hang out, I responded to this post, "I’ve been in a relationship w/ my GF for about 5 mos. We hung out yesterday & everything has been perfect, but this morning when I woke up, I didn’t feel in it anymore. I feel like I love her & don’t want to lose my feelings. Why do I feel this way?"
We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this past June, just my husband and me because of Covid19. My husband is my best friend, my lover, my pal, my motorcycle buddy; however, we don’t live in each other’s pockets, and we don’t take each other for granted. If you both are committed to making the relationship work and give it your all, it will.
Ask yourself how you would feel if your girlfriend were no longer in your life. Then think about all the joyful times you have had together.
Are you starting to take each other for granted? Are you going the extra mile to keep your relationship special? Are you still dating? I know, it is hard with the COVID19 limitations. Think outside the box.
A picnic and movie in the living room, soft music. A body massage. Playing cards. Use your imagination to keep the romance alive.
And don’t forget those all import words that need to be spoken often, “I love you.” “What can I do to help?”
Since we’ve been homebound, our relationship is even better now than it was this past December. We each take a random time to initiate a hug, or a hug and kisses moment. We get up and dance during the commercials or during the music at the end of a movie.
Our love has become deeper, richer, more fulfilling over the years. And yes, there have been trying times. I’ve heard it said that “marriage is not a bed of roses,” however, I disagree.
Marriage is a bed of roses, with thorns that can pierce, snag, or hurt you. Sometimes specific actions, words, or thoughtlessness must be pruned from your life so that you can move forward with stronger roots and branches. Thoughtlessness and hurtful habits are like branches rubbing against one another on the plant, damaging them. Prune one of the branches so the other can become stronger.
Pruning is where compromise can come into play in a relationship. Things like closing the kitchen cabinet doors and drawers, picking up clothes, using the hamper, flushing the toilet after every use, and that all-important cap on the toothpaste and do you squeeze the toothpaste in the middle or from the end.
The rain, sun, soil nutrients, and pruning of the roses are mirrored by thoughtfulness, praise, loving actions, and forgiveness when necessary.
Kiss your loved one when you part, give a hug. Life is fleeting; an accident or a health emergency can take the love of your life away in the blink of an eye. And if you are blessed to spend many years together, ah, the joy the good memories can bring.