Need a Loud Timer!
Perhaps you can relate.
Here lately, I find myself without any, for want of
a better word, Ump!
I am working countless hours, 6 days a week and am
working third (temporary I hope). When I
get home, I fall into bed, get up, eat, take my meds, go back to bed for more
sleep, get up and get ready for work and then go to work only to come home and
repeat the process. Nothing extra is completed
in the home and I do want to get things done, Christmas is coming.
I’ve done the research, and it says, (drum roll
please) that if someone will allocate time in a least 15 minutes spurts for a
task, repeatedly, constantly, results can be achieved. I know this to be true because I have used
this strategy successfully in the past. Unfortunately,
I tend to lose track of time. However, I
only work at a steady pace and not as a whirlwind. [Side note: Music tempo does not speed me up. I am hoping that a 15-minute time limit,
during which I work flat out, will help me accomplish something positive.]
Alas, it is time to go back to bed for more sleep
before going to work and I have yet to shop for that 15-minute timer. Oh, well tomorrow’s another day!